Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The verdict is in....

I'm not crazy,.....well not mostly anyway. I guess not too crazy to carry someones baby. That's good news. So the crazy test said that I had problems in school, and that I have good self esteem. Both are true, guess it's good that I had problems in school.

So more fun news, drum roll please..... looks like we may have a match. I am being positive here, but it looks like we are moving on to a phone interview. Between me and you I think it was the long walks in the park I mentioned in my profile that got him. Guess we'll see soon. Cross your fingers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I think we may have a possible family. I have been given a bio for a single father in GA. It was not my original preference to work with a single parent any gender however his bio is impressive and I am finding myself really interested in meeting him. I still have questions that hopefully he will have ridiculously good answers for. Like he said he wants a college educated GS and while I do have some college under my belt I do not carry a degree. I wonder if a BFA would have been impressive. As it is I didn't think I wanted an Art degree as much as I knew I already loved doing hair. Guess we'll see what happens. I'm excited if nothing else.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am still waiting for a family. Went to my family practice doctor for my annual check up and I am healthy and got an OB referral. I am putting the wheels in motion as much as possible, but I feel like I am pushing those wheel through molasses. I was told last week there were some possible families in Atlanta. I talked to my people and they said that those families were matched up already but there are a few more possibilities. They said they liked my profile though. I feel like I am dating through a service.., I like action movies and comedy and long walks in the park.....

So wish me luck hopefully I will have some news about some intended parents soon.