Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's all good in the hood....

Say's my new ObGyn who is awesome by the way. I met her yesterday for my first appointment and to go over my plans for surrogacy. My lawyer suggested that I let her know about working with a single gay man to make sure she was OK with it. I'm pretty sure I saw Dr. B roll her eyes at me when I asked, as if to say really?, why would I have a problem?. It should be known that I live in Columbus which has the 3rd highest gay population in the country and considered the gay capitol of the Midwest. I kinda figured that any doctor dealing with surrogacy in CBus would be ok with it so I almost felt silly asking, and apparently rightly so. At any rate I am in good shape and she thinks I should have no problems being a surro as I have had no problems getting pregnant in the past and have had no gynecological issues.

So it's off to the races, R sent me a "Honey Do" list of things we need to accomplish before we go to Atlanta for our initial visit with the clinic. By the way how sweet is my "baby daddy" he specifically searched out a highly qualified female physician to work with because I prefer to work with woman. I even told him it was not really necessary since I would only be dealing with them on a couple of occasions. It's not like I have a problem with male Dr's either it's really just about the fact that I like to support woman in their professional fields. He insisted though and has met with her and is really excited to be working with her. He seemed to be very impressed with the facility, their entire faculty and setup.

It's weird as I was projectile vomiting today because of my bad tuna lunch I had my first reality check of wow I am really going to be doing this,.... and I am so excited!! As the Joker said "Here we Go"!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hooray great weekend

So we met over this past weekend. The hubby and I met with our IP Friday for the first time. Very nice we all clicked right away after proper chastising for his being late of course. :D We had a great time he gets my humour so we're off to a good start. When dinner was over we decided to go get coffee and continue the night. If my kids hadn't been at my moms I think we could have chatted all night long.

Saturday we went to the zoo with the kids, I figure if he can survive the zoo on a Saturday he probably won't change his mind. We joked about the stroller wars and then I totally rammed some guy in the ankles ACCIDENT sorry dude....... Of course. By the way never go to zoo on first nice Saturday of the year. Speaking of nice, the weather was gorgeous all weekend long.

This morning we went to meet with a counselor and went over a lot of the details. The next step is to confirm a IVF clinic to deal with and I have an ObGyn appointment next Monday. Depending on where we do the IVF we have to do our blood tests and of course sign contracts. So exciting that this is really going to happen.

Oh and I love this guy I am the biggest chicken shit ever. Everyone keeps saying "you must really have loved being pregnant" well the answer to that is hell no. I had a crappy pregnancy and crappy not horrible but crappy labor. I always hear it gets better the second time so that keeps me going. One of the worst things about the labor was the IV's and the epidural, well he's an anesthesiologist nurse and he's so involved and I love that. I feel like I couldn't have picked a better person to surrogate for. At least he'll watch over me in MY most worrisome process. It puts my mind at ease.

Next time on SJ-DWINM..........The big G appointment next Monday! dunh, dunh, dunh...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And so we meet....

We have plans for this weekend dinner Friday night with me and the husband. Then if he is brave enough we go to the zoo with the family...Then if the kids don't scare him away then I think we are meeting with a counselor either Saturday evening or Sunday Morning. I'm really excited, but I think he may be more so and I'm not bragging here he just sounds real real jazzed! Happy Dance :D

Sunday, April 5, 2009

He likes me he really likes me....

...and I really like him too.

So you guessed it we spoke on the phone finally. I'm not much of a phone person myself so I was worried a little bit about our first "meeting" being a phone call. I got the call while at work in the middle of doing interviews and so I couldn't answer it. I listened to the voice mail and got really excited, I liked the sound of him right away. So I psyched myself up for the big moment and dialed the number......ring.......ring.......ring.......VOICE MAIL?? Darn it I hate leaving messages maybe worse than just talking on the phone (you know the whole sound of my voice through a tin can thing). Well I didn't have to wait too long and he returned my phone call (clearly unafraid of robot voice) and he is really sweet with a southern accent, so funny I knew he lived in the south but I almost didn't expect it. It was funny though I realized as our conversation went on that he lost it a little. He is originally a Yankee and I think speaking to me he pulled it back out some.

Apparently he is excited to get things rolling and has decided to make a trip up to Columbus. He has some friends here already because how funny is this he used to live here at one point. Coincidence hmmm? I tell you things happen for a reason. Sounds like we have been moving on the same path he decided around the same time I did to pursue this. Excitint things are happening. This should be all going down in a couple of weeks. HAPPY DANCE!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Still waiting to hear from our possible intended. In the mean time I have 3 months left on my birth control I am ready to get this show on the road. I spoke with the people I am working with and told them that I am holding out to meet with ObGyn's to see if he wants to do this together since he showed some interest in doing that with me (or his GC). I guess this all hinges on whether he picks us or not. I hate the waiting,... not sure if you noticed that about me. I am ready, ready, ready. Till next time....