Monday, November 15, 2010

So he really was trying to kill me I told you...

..I guess it's not that funny now. I had the baby September 1, what a good day for a birthday. Joshua was 9lbs and 8oz. BIG healthy boy. I went in on the first at 6am to be induced. The nurse was getting me set up and was checking to see where I was dilated, and I started bleeding. She called in my Dr and they said I would have to have an emergency c-section. So Dr. R told my husband to call R and get him to the hospital. We had a great c-section delivery (just puked the whole time). I kept saying quick and painless for the delivery I should have been more specific. Joshua went to the nursery with R and I went to recovery. In recovery I started to hemorrhage my uterus wouldn't contract. They had to take me to emergency surgery embolism, they put in a 2 embolism's in the 2 main arteries leading to my uterus. I bled out 4000 mils of blood, they had to give me 12 units of blood transfusion and a bag of platelets and hemoglobin. I spent a day in ICU and a total of 5 days in the hospital. I am so grateful to the wonderful nurses and Dr's at Riverside Hospital for saving my life. For R it was all worth it and I am so glad that he was a healthy baby! ;D So no more babies for me and let me just tell you I am fine with that!

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